Let me introduce you to this wonderful couple Karolina and Patryk! As you will soon find out from their interview with us, they are fun, super positive and have a great outlook on life! You will have as much fun reading their story as I did!
Postcard Snapshot:
When did you first start travelling?
We were travelling since we were little kids but we started travelling FOR REAL a year after we met, in 2012. So it's 3 years now :).
How many countries visited?
We agreed that we will not count the countries in which we were not together. Since 2012 we visited 15 countries.
Favourite Country?
That's really difficult question! We will go for Thailand and Poland, our homeland.
Best travel advice ever received?
It's an advice from British singer, Mika. He is giving a wonderful advice to every traveler in his famous song: 'Relax. Take it easy.'
Everytime we have a problem while travelling we are trying to calm down and think logically.
Where are you now?
We are in Poland but we are living to Asia in few weeks.
In depth with KarolinaPatryk:
Please tell us a bit about who you are, what made you love travel?
Until we met, we were just normal people, living an ordinary life. We were both dreaming about wonderful travels, but we weren't brave enough to start doing it.
When we started being together, we decided to support each other in fulfilling our dreams.
And step by step, we were travelling further and longer.
Right now we are nomads, we don't have home. We spend most of the time in hotels.
How did you bring about KarolinaPatryk.com?? What is it all about and to what type of traveller is it dedicated to?
Our blog is really young, we started it one year ago. Our main mission is to inspire people around the world, support them and give them strength to fulfill their dreams.This is what we mainly do on our blog. After that, we are giving travel tips, teach how to make money online and how to be good couple.
From your favourite country mentioned above, what top experiences would you suggest cannot be missed? Either for the country as a whole or a town / city within it.
When you are in Thailand, you can't miss street food! It's absolutely amazing, one of the best on the world.
It is also worth to go for a Thai massage. An unforgettable experience :).

When it comes to Poland, you can't miss Krakow. This city is amazing, historical and full of life.
Two / Three hints or tips for travellers wanting to travel to your favourite destination?
Don't take suitcase to Thailand. Take backpack instead.
Be respectful and don't get angry. Thai people can not tolerate anger.
Try pierogi and zurek in Poland. These two dishes are absolutely amazing!
Go to Bieszczady Mountains. In our opinion, it's one of the most beautiful places in the whole Europe.
What's your funniest / most embarrassing thing that's happened to you while travelling?
We remember old Thai lady who flied with us from Phuket to Bangkok. She was so scared that she was hugging Karolina all the way! That was really funny.
If you had just won the lottery, where would you travel to tomorrow or what travel experience would you try?
Safari in Kenya or Tanzania. It's on the top of our Bucket List :).
For fellow bloggers/writers out there:
What advice would you give to start up bloggers?
Be persistent. It will take a lot of time until your blog succeed.
What's the best way you fund your travels?
Working online! On our blog we are giving best tips how to do it. Come visit us :).
Check out more from Karolina and Patryk with these links below.
We wish you all the best for your future trip to Asia! Its absolutely magical and you will love it I'm sure!
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